
Her finder du vores udvalg af Bowler-hatte. Fra producenter som Kangol, Bailey, Stetson og flere. En stilfuld og klassisk hat, der har været det oplagte valg for gentlemen. I dag er der mange, der ønsker at skille sig ud med deres stil ved at bruge denne klassiker. Fra kun at være tilgængelig i sort, fås Bowler-hatte nu i mange farver og kan endda have en fjer i hatbåndet. Bowler-hatten har meget at byde på og bliver ofte brugt af selvsikre individualister. Find din Bowler-hat her på Hatstore.

10 produkter

Bowler hat

The Bowler has had varying degrees of importance in British culture. It was popular within the working class during the 19th century and from the early 20th century it became a favourite with businessmen in the financial districts. The tradition of businessmen wearing Bowler hats ended in the 1970s. However, the hat is still associated with a British gentleman wearing it along with an accessory such as an umbrella .

In popular culture, the Bowler hats have had a lot of presence. This hat model is frequently seen in film classics like Charlie Chaplin, Laurel and Hardy as well as Mary Poppins.

Bowler hats were also very popular in countries other than Britain. In Western movies, we often see cowboys wearing the iconic cowboy hat with wide curved brims. In reality, these hats were very rare in the American West during the 19th and early 20th centuries. The hats actually worn by real cowboys were Bowler hats. They were made for the purpose of riding. They didn't fall off as easily and they kept their shape really well.