Pork Pie-hatte

Hvis du leder efter en pork pie hat, er du kommet til det rette sted. Her får vi pork pie-hatte fra kendte mærker som Barts, Brixton, Kangol, Stetson og flere. Pork pie er en stil, der har været populær siden 1800-tallet, men har stærke forbindelser til 1930'erne og 1940'erne. Popkulturen har givet disse hatte en renæssance. I dag er der mange, der bærer hatten og tilpasser den til deres egen stil. Find en pork pie hat, der passer til din egen stil her på Hatstore.

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Pork Pie Hat

The first hat model called a Pork Pie was primarily worn by British and American women from around 1830 until 1865. The Pork Pie is a hat with a narrowly curved brim all around a flat or arched crown. They often have a bow or or a hat band attached around the base of the crown where the crown meets the brim. The hat is often worn with a feather or two attached to the band around the hat. Pork Pie is made from a variety of materials such as straw, cotton, canvas or felt. The features that made them the Pork Pie hats were the shape and the crown's folds and the narrow brim.

During the 1920s, the Pork Pie was considered a hat for sophisticated men in Britain who were referred to as having a "man-about-town" style. The Pork Pie had its peak glory days during the great depression from 1930-1940. At this time more and more people wore the Pork Pie hat and the hat shape was also called the telescopic crowns. After the 1950s, the Pork Pie lost some of its popularity, but with its links to the zoot suit it once again gained popularity in its associations with African American music culture. Especially jazz and blues.

Today the Pork Pie has regained its 1930-40 connections. In the popular culture, it has, for example, been worn by Walter White, who wears it in the Breaking Bad series. Many people today would claim that the Pork Pie is their favourite hat model. Find your Pork Pie hat at Hatstore!